Evapotranspiration ratio of six major forest types in the Pearl River Delta was studied in this paper, and the six fores......
Ethanol Fermentation of the Extraction Liquor From Water Prehydrolysis of Eucalyptus using Xylose-Fe
The objective of the present work is to evaluate the potential of water prehydrolysis of Eucalyptus wood hemicelluloses(......
Effect and mechanism of dietary supplementation with EPE on meat quality,antioxidant ability and growth performance in f......
Hybrid Breeding for Screening Ideotypes in Red Gums:Implication on Improved Industrial Forestry Char
Until the early 1990s,commercial planting of red gums was pivoted to seeds of complex local landraces and a few clones o......
Which plant,who lives together with Eucalyptus,is more favorable to improve the ecological environment in which Eucalypt......
Agroforestry system tries to make use of this advantage by combining crops with a tree component and can be regarded as ......
Genome Wide Eucalyptus Gene Co-expression Network for Secondary Cell Wall Biosynthesis in Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is one of the most widely planted hardwood tree genera in the world because of its fast growth,short rotation......
Effects of Inbreeding on Growth and Wood Properties of Eucalyptus Tree Improvement at OJI Lao Planta
OJI Lao Plantation Forest Co.,Ltd.was established in 2005 by taking over the operation of BGA Plantation Forestry Co.,Lt......
The aim of the study was to introduce the adaptable,fast-growing and industrial eucalypt species and provenances at sout......
Expression Analysis and Development of Co-expression Networks of PEG Induced Water stress Responsive
Water stress is identified as a major abiotic stress limiting growth of plant species worldwide,followed by salinity,aci......
Native to Australasia,Eucalyptus is one of the most planted genera of trees in the world.However,the sustainability of E......
In Thailand,the eucalyptus plantations rapidly expand across the country.However,the use of microorganisms as biocontrol......
For increasing the global utility of eucalypt plantations and improving the environment,this study was initiated to exam......
Analysis of volatile compounds of three Eucalyptus hybrids of different resistance to Leptocybe inva
To study the differences of three hybrids of Eucalyptus in volatile compounds and contents,we identified and analyzed th......
Morphological and kinetic parameters of the absorption of nitrogen forms for selection of Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus clones are selected according to productivity,wood quality,rooting capacity,and resistance to drought,frost a......
Microsatellites,or simple sequence repeat(SSR),are dispersed abundantly within the genome and have been widely used ......
Legume Green Manuring Improves Soil Fertility and Plant Growth of Eucalyptus Plantation in South Sub
Legume green manure is extensively planted to improve soil fertility in crop field.However,the application of legume in ......
Chemical analyses were conducted with leave oils of Eucalyptus smithii, E. bakeri, E. polybractea, E. dives, E. radiata......
Control of Tetranychus urticae Koch by extracts of three essential oils of chamomile,marjoram and Eu
Objective:To evaluate the acaricidal activity of extracts of three essential oils of chamomile,marjoram and Eucalyptwi a......
采用白腐菌Ceriporiopsis Subuermispora处理巨桉Eucalyptus Grandis木片(2.5cm×1.5cm×0.2cm),具有选择性生物脱木素的特性,木素......
采用白腐菌Ceripriopsis Subuermispora处理巨桉Eucalyptus Grandis木片(2.5cm×1.5cm×0.2cm)具有选择性生物脱木素的特性,木素和......
在桉属中,剥桉(Eucalyptus deglupta)具有多种特色的树种。它的种子在桉属中最小,开花结实早,自然起源不在桉树的老家澳大利亚,而......
为了给美国东南部筛选耐寒速生的多枝桉(Eucalyptus viminalis)产地,在1972—1980年,国际纸业公司对98批种子进行了种源测验。在这......
大桉(Eucalyptus delegatensis R.T Bak.,斑皮桉(E.maculata Hook),和布罗韦桉(E.brockwayi C.A.Gardn)的幼苗在一种具生根介质的......
隆缘桉(Eucalyptus exserta)具有生长迅速、萌芽力强、耐干旱瘠瘦、抗逆性强等特点,是我局建场初期的主要造林树种,现有林地面积3......
(一)斜脉胶桉(Eucalyptus Kirtoniana) 印度布德万大学化学系,对斜脉胶桉去脂肪种子饼在去毒前后的营养成分及氨基酸作了分析,并......
应用多变量分析方法,对14个不同地理种群的细叶桉(Eucalyptus tereti-cornis Sm.)的116份腊叶标本和620株实生苗的各种性状的地理......
引言印度为了满足纸浆材和农村燃料需要曾经广泛栽植杂种桉(Eucalyptus hybrid)。在各种社会林业和农林规划中栽种杂种桉的目的在......
本文叙述了巨桉(Eucalyptus grandis)和亮果桉(E.nitens)实生苗以及巨桉萌芽(?)枝节之外植体进行组织培养时,对培养基和植物生长调......
在桉属中,托里桉(Eucalyptus torelliana)是近年来颇受人注目的树种,其枝叶婆娑,树冠呈尖塔型,幼枝嫩叶红色,终年常绿。它原产澳......
窿缘桉(Eucalyptus exserte)和柠檬桉(E.citriodora)是华南地区大面积引种造林的两种桉树。鉴于桉树木材固有的缺陷和近年来在利......
1982年8月份,我们对3年生已经郁闭的托里桉(Eucalyptus torelliana)+大叶相思(Acaciaauriculiformis)混交林与托里桉纯林,进行了全......
一、名称的由来及变迁桉树(Eucalyptus L’Herit)是姚金娘科桉属植物的统称。桉属植物取名为“桉”,最早是根据清朝宣统二年(1910......